No-cost RHEL

Well, this can be considered the most exciting IT news of the week : Red Hat announced that an updated
individual developer subscription for RHEL will be available no later than February 1, 2021 - which allows
RHEL to be used in production for up to 16 systems. Additionally development teams can now be added
to the Red Hat developer program without any extra cost via an existing Red Hat developer subscription.

This means that from now on small enterprises, and especially home labs can run the original RHEL and
don't have to use clones like CentOS. CentOS as we knew it won't exist any longer from the beginning of
next year, it will move to CentOS Stream - which will be upstream for coming minor RHEL point releases.
Those who want official support from Red Hat will still have to purchase a RHEL subscription - of course.

Red Hat states : "We know that these programs don’t address every CentOS Linux use case, so we aren’t
done delivering more ways to get RHEL easily." ... they explain : "We’re working on a variety of additional
programs for other use cases, and plan to provide another update in mid-February." Red Hat Enterprise
Linux being available for small businesses and home labs at no cost is a big advantage, and a great deal.

New Red Hat Developer Program Terms and Conditions :

About Me

I am using Red Hat based IT products - they provide absolute reliability, maximum
security, proper performance and also grant access to a huge amount of software.

I am running the latest editions of CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
server and workstation operating systems on physical and virtual machines (VM).

My dedicated capabilities and interests are : backup solutions & disaster recovery,
hardware drivers, infrastructure deployment, storage management, virtualization


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