RHEL 8.2 Setup

Right in time for Red Hat Summit 2020 - the final version of RHEL 8.2 has been released, which once again
brings along bug and security fixes and many enhancements, as well as a lot of new features - on top : the
new version of Red Hat Insights has been made available, that now delivers a bunch of additional services.
Red Hat Insights is included in every RHEL subscription ... and now it is also possible to register the system
to access.redhat.com and to cloud.redhat.com from the Anaconda installer during the installation process.

I have created a slide-show that walks through the installation steps ->
How to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 - Step-by-step presentation

About Me

I am using Red Hat based IT products - they provide absolute reliability, maximum
security, proper performance and also grant access to a huge amount of software.

I am running the latest editions of CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
server and workstation operating systems on physical and virtual machines (VM).

My dedicated capabilities and interests are : backup solutions & disaster recovery,
hardware drivers, infrastructure deployment, storage management, virtualization


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