Insights Webinar

On June 23rd, 2020 John Spinks (Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat management
products) and Mohit Goyal (Product Manager for Red Hat Insights) presented a live demo - showing how
the new, and expanded vulnerability and compliance capabilities in Red Hat Insights can help to discover
and troubleshoot security issues in existing RHEL environments - the demo is available on-demand now.

This webinar covers all features that are listed in Insights Security ->
  • Advisor - detects existing security issues on RHEL systems and recommends solutions to remediate.
  • Compliance - analyzes the level of a RHEL system environment compliance to an OpenSCAP policy.
  • Drift - compares RHEL hosts to each other in order to identify and further troubleshoot differences.
  • Patch - determines which product advisories may apply to an organization's specific RHEL instances.
  • Policies - enable organizations to define and monitor for specific policies being important internally.
  • Vulnerability - reports and remediates on CVEs that impact RHEL systems (in cloud or on-premises).
The demo is recommended to watch, everything is explained perfectly.
Note : This on-demand event is available for one year (until June 2021).

About Me

I am using Red Hat based IT products - they provide absolute reliability, maximum
security, proper performance and also grant access to a huge amount of software.

I am running the latest editions of CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
server and workstation operating systems on physical and virtual machines (VM).

My dedicated capabilities and interests are : backup solutions & disaster recovery,
hardware drivers, infrastructure deployment, storage management, virtualization


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