CRC Project

After having set up CodeReady Containers on a local machine - how to run an application on OCP 4 ?
This is what has to be done to get the (example) project "Wild-West" created. Once finished, the new
application can be launched via the web console ($ crc console) ... execute the following commands :

$ cd /home/<user>/crc
$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/<user>/crc

$ crc start
$ odo login -u developer -p developer

$ mkdir /home/<user>/wild-west
$ cd /home/<user>/wild-west

$ git clone backend
$ git clone frontend

$ odo project create wild-west

$ oc import-image openjdk18 --confirm
$ oc annotate istag/openjdk18:latest tags=builder

$ odo catalog list components

$ cd /home/<user>/wild-west/backend

$ mvn package

$ odo create openjdk18 backend --binary target/wildwest-1.0.jar
$ odo config view
$ odo push
$ odo list

$ cd /home/<user>/wild-west/frontend

$ odo create nodejs frontend
$ odo config view
$ odo push
$ odo list

$ odo link backend --port 8080
$ odo url create frontend --port 8080
$ odo push
$ odo list

About Me

I am using Red Hat based IT products - they provide absolute reliability, maximum
security, proper performance and also grant access to a huge amount of software.

I am running the latest editions of CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
server and workstation operating systems on physical and virtual machines (VM).

My dedicated capabilities and interests are : backup solutions & disaster recovery,
hardware drivers, infrastructure deployment, storage management, virtualization


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