The Matrix

Anyone remember the 1999 science fiction action movie The Matrix ?
Well, what about retrieving the mystery and imagination, interested ?

Okay, let's get started - on a Red Hat system create a new container simulating Neo's machine.
Download the cmatrix package from the Fedora repositories - and extract the downloaded file.

First - if not already installed - install the container tools :

$ sudo dnf install buildah podman skopeo

$ wget

$ rpm2cpio cmatrix-1.2a-4.fc30.x86_64.rpm | cpio -id

Pull the RHEL 8 Universal Base Image - and create a new container.

$ podman pull

$ podman run --name matrix -it /usr/bin/bash

Leave the container : # exit

Copy the binary into the container - and then restart the container.

$ podman cp usr/bin/cmatrix matrix:/usr/bin/matrix

$ podman start --attach matrix

Show usage options : # matrix -h
Start the animation : # matrix
Stop the animation : # q
Leave the container : # exit

Cool, isn't it ? :)

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I am using Red Hat based IT products - they provide absolute reliability, maximum
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I am running the latest editions of CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
server and workstation operating systems on physical and virtual machines (VM).

My dedicated capabilities and interests are : backup solutions & disaster recovery,
hardware drivers, infrastructure deployment, storage management, virtualization


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